'Nawr 'rwy'n gwel'd yr ardal hyfryd

1,2a,3a,((5),8);  1,2a,3b,8,5;  1,2b,3b,5,8;  1,4,5,6,7.
(Ffarwel wae, croeso wynfyd.)
'Nawr 'rwy'n gwel'd yr ardal hyfryd,
Hen gartrefle fy Anwylyd;
  Gwlad lle mae pob rhyw gysuron
  Yn llifeirio fel yr afon.

Ffarwel bellach hen bleserau
Dwyllodd f'ysbryd fil o weithiau;
  Cefais bleser
      canmil purach,
  'Ddaw o'i ganlyn ofid mwyach.

[Ffarwel bellach hen bleserau
 Dwyllodd f'ysbryd fil o weithiau;
   'N awr 'r wyf wedi ffeindio hawddfyd,
   Nad oes ynddo
       radd o ofid.]

Nef a daear byth ni phrisia
Y perl a gês - mae'n well na'r India;
  Iesu a'i drysor,
      dyna ei sylwedd,
  Nef y nefoedd yn y diwedd.

[Mi ge's perl gwell nag o'r India,
 Nef a daear byth ni phrisia,
   Iesu a'i drysor,
       dyna ei sylwedd,
   Nef y nefoedd yn y diwedd.]

Dacw'r gwledydd hyfryd helaeth
A roed imi'n etifeddiaeth;
  Lle mae cariad pur yn llifo
  Dros ardaoedd gras heb flino.

Fe ddaw dydd y câf fi ganu,
Concwest bai
    oedd yn fy maeddu;
  Haleluia nefol hyfryd,
  Diwedd pechu, diwedd gofid.

'R wyf yn clywed myrdd o seintiau
'N awr yn canu eu telynau,
  Ac yn taro un Hosanna,
  Dechrau anthem
      pen Calfaria.

Minnau gaf fod yn eu cwmni,
Cyn pen gronyn yno'n canu,
  Edrych gyda hwy yn ŵyneb
  Disglair Brenin tragwyddoldeb.

Blwyddau hirion o ryfela,
'N oruchafiaeth a derfyna;
  Fe dry galar am bob beiau,
  Yn Hosanna ond eu maddeu.
'Ddaw :: Na ddaw
phrisia // Y perl :: phrisia'r // Perl
Mi ge's perl :: Mi gês perl :: Cefais berl

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Antwerp / Bryn y Groes (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)
Brancaster (Alan Gray 1855-1935)
Dresden (Claude Goudimel 1514-72)
Llantrisant (alaw Gymreig)
Osnaburg (Jacob Hintze 1622-1702)
St Peters (<1829)
Weber (C M v Weber 1776-1826)
Wittenberg (Martin Luther 1483-1546)

  Rhan II - F'enaid cred anghofia'th adfyd
  Rhan III - 'R wyf yn clywed myrdd o seintiau
  Da na daear byth ni phrisia
  Ffàrwel bellach hen bleserau
  O am nerth i garu'r Iesu

(Farewell woe, welcome blessedness.)
Now I am seeing the delightful region,
The old home of my Beloved;
  A land where every kind of comfort is
  Flowing like the river.

Farewell henceforth old pleasures
Which deceived my spirit a thousand times;
  I got pleasure
      a hundred thousand times purer,
  Than came from its following grief more.

[Farewell henceforth old pleasures
 Which deceived my spirit a thousand times;
   Now I have found blessedness,
   Which has not within it
       a degree of grief.]

Heaven and earth shall never value
The pearl I got - it is better than India;
  Jesus and his treasure,
      that is its substance,
  The heaven of heaven in the end.

[I got a pearl better than from India,
 That heaven and earth never valued,
   Jesus and his treasure,
       that is its substance,
   The heaven of heaven in the end.]

There are the delightful, plenteous lands,
That were given to me as an inheritance;
  Where pure love is flowing
  Over regions of grace tirelessly.

The day will come when I will get to sing,
The conquest of a fault
    which was beating me;
  A delightful, heavenly hallelujah,
  The end of sin, the end of grief.

I can hear a myriad of saints
Now playing their harps,
  And striking the same Hosanna,
  The beginning of the anthem
      of the summit of Calvary.

I too shall get to be in their company,
Before long there playing,
  Looking with them into the shining
  Face of the King of eternity.

Long years of war,
In supremacy shall end;
  Mourning for every sin will turn,
  Into hosanna but their forgiveness.
:: ::

tr. 2017,18 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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